
TUESDAY, 1st July


  • Registration
  • Welcome address by Councillor Kenneth MacLeod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
  • Introduction to the Conference by John Randall, Chair, Islands Book Trust
  • Introduction by Halla Nolsøe Poulsen, Director, NORA
  • Tour of Lews CastleTour of the historic Lews Castle, including the ballroom and Museum nan Eilean 

12.00  Lunch

12.45  Keynote speech (TBC)

13.00    SESSION 1

Regional Presentations: Resilience – Demographic and Economic Trends

Highlighting the most important issues to inspire a relevant and engaged panel discussion. Also, presenters will point towards way forward, solutions.

  • 13.00  Brief introduction
  • 13.10  Scotland
  • 13.18  Norway
  • 13.26  Iceland
  • 13.34  Greenland
  • 13.42  Faroe Islands

13.55  Panel discussion: Moderator introduces central issues, including the concept of resilience. The Moderator’s main task will be to lead the panel discussion in the direction of identifying and addressing important issues, and leading these toward suggestions as to how solutions may be found in collaboration with North Atlantic neighbours.

14.30  COFFEE

15.00    SESSION 2

Forging the Future: Strengthening Traditional Roots and Embracing Modern Innovation

Focus on bridging the gap between tradition and innovation to strengthen communities. With insights into revitalizing heritage, embracing modern pathways, and turning isolation into opportunity, this session explores sustainable resource management and shares best practices. Can future progress be built through shared experiences and innovative strategies.

  • 15.10  Revitalizing Heritage, nn, country/region
  • 15.20  Modern Pathways, nn, country/region
  • 15.30  From Isolation to Opportunity, nn, country/region

15.45  Panel Discussion: Best Practices in Sustainable and Responsible Resource Management.

  • Panelist 1  nn
  • Panelist 2  nn
  • Panelist 3  nn
  • Panelist 4  nn
  • Panelist 5  nn
  • Moderator nn

17.30    Civic Reception in Lews Castle Ballroom Hosted by Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar

19.00    Conference Dinner in Lews Castle

21.30    After dinner entertainment

09.00    SESSION 3

Empowering the Next Generation: Innovation and Opportunities

How can youth drive innovation and opportunity in island communities. With a focus on fostering talent, reimagining traditional industries, and leveraging digital connectivity, this session highlights the pivotal role of young people in shaping resilient, sustainable futures. Through dialogue and shared insights, participants will uncover pathways to turn challenges like brain drain into opportunities for growth and revitalization.

  • 09.10  From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation: Fostering Youth-led Innovation in Rural and Island Economies, nn, country/region
  • 09.20  Reimagining Traditional Industries: Attracting Young Talent to Fisheries, Farming, and Beyond, nn, country/region
  • 09.30  The Digital Frontier: How Remote Work and IT Connectivity Can Transform Island Communities, nn, country/region

09.40    Couch chat – On-Stage Interview, Q&A and general dialogue

  • Interviewee   nn
  • Moderator     nn

10.00    COFFEE

10.30    SESSION 4

Building Bridges: Youth, Identity, and Intergenerational Cooperation in the Youth engagement and democracy

Importance of youth engagement and intergenerational cooperation in shaping sustainable futures for island communities. By exploring the interplay of cultural heritage, identity, and modern aspirations, the session aims to inspire collaboration across generations. Participants will discuss practical strategies for empowering youth and fostering community cohesion, ensuring that traditions and innovation coexist in harmony.

  • 10.35  Cultural Roots, Modern Dreams: Engaging Youth Through Heritage and Identity, nn, country/region
  • 10.45  Youth at the Helm: Participation, Leadership, and Decision-Making in Island Communities, nn, country/region
  • 10.55  Bridging Generations: Lessons from Intergenerational Cooperation in Community Planning, nn, country/region 

11.10    Panel Discussion: Best Practices in Sustainable and Responsible Resource Management.

  • Panelist 1  nn
  • Panelist 2  nn
  • Panelist 3  nn
  • Panelist 4  nn
  • Panelist 5  nn
  • Moderator  nn

12.00    LUNCH

13.00    SESSION 5

Securing Resilience and Prosperity for Island Communities; Sustainable Energy and Infrastructure

The critical role of sustainable energy and infrastructure in ensuring resilience and prosperity for North Atlantic island communities. By exploring innovative approaches to renewable energy, regional collaboration, and smart technologies, this session highlights how these advancements can transform challenges into opportunities. Participants will exchange ideas on creating interconnected energy networks and infrastructure solutions that support vibrant, self-reliant communities, including food security and ownership.

  • 13.10  Renewable Energy: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Island Communities. Tom Wills (Shetland)
  • 13.20  Building Energy Networks: Regional Cooperation for a Sustainable Future. Nn
  • 13.30  Smart Islands: Leveraging Technology for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. Nn
  • 13.40  Infrastructure – connecting islands, communities, and people. Nn

13.50 Panel Discussion: Connecting expertise and experiences, fostering collaboration that translates insights into tangible outcomes for a thriving, sustainable future. Engaging diverse perspectives, the conversation will focus on practical strategies that integrate the central issues.

  • Panelist 1   nn
  • Panelist 2  nn
  • Panelist 3  nn
  • Panelist 4  nn
  • Panelist 5  nn
  • Moderator  nn

14.30    COFFEE

15.00    SESSION 6

Charting the Course: Governance and Economic Sustainability in North Atlantic Communities

– working session, In cooperation with moderators.

  • 15.05  Governance for Resilience: Models and Strategies for Island Communities, nn
  • 15.15  Empowering Communities: How Local Governance Drives Economic and Social Sustainability, nn
  • 15.30  Workshop or Breakout Groups, collaborating on specific topics, such as:
    • Policy recommendations for sustainable industries, including regional.
    • Strengthening community ownership models.
    • Enhancing youth participation in governance.

Each group presents concise conclusions and recommendations.

16.15    Outcome and Closing

  • Plenary Discussion: Each workshop group shares their recommendations.
  • Action Plan: Governance priorities, Economic strategies, Opportunities for regional collaboration,        Route map.

16.55   Closing Remarks

19.00   DINNER


  • 09.30  Coach leaves Stornoway
  • 10.30 – 11.30  Visit to Galson Estate Trust offices in Ness to hear about and discuss Community Land Ownership
  • 11.45 – 14.30    Visit to Ness Historical Society to hear about Crofting, see round the Museum, have Lunch, and discuss the challenges facing Gaelic and other minority languages
  • 15.00 – 15.15    See the Callanish Stones
  • 16.00 – 17.30    Gaelic Musical Ceilidh on return to Stornoway



  • John Randall (Islands Book Trust) - john673randall@btinternet.com
  • Ernst S. Olsen (NORA) - ernst@nora.fo