
- Kim Kielsen
- President of Inatsisartut, the Parliament of Greenland.
- Kim Kielsen (Siumut) was elected to the Greenlandic parliament in 2005. In government, he was minister for housing, nature, and the environment, and he was the Prime Minister of Greenland from 2014 to 2021.

- Anders Karlsson
- Swedish, 44 years old. Construction engineer.
- Studied in Sweden/Australia. Since 2009 I´ve been working with municipality planning and WH-management in Vega kommune. A WH-site based on a complex cultural landscape. With a profound interest in history and culture, but with no formal background from cultural heritage, I`ve spent the last 13 years dealing with the challenge between sustainable development and preservation of OUV.

- Armgarð Weihe
- General Secretary of the Faroese National Commission for UNESCO and Senior Principal at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Culture.
- MA in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester and designer from the Danish Design School.
- Since 2006 Armgarð has worked at the Ministry of Culture primarily with cultural heritage, museums, archives, and libraries. She has chaired the National Cultural Prices Committee and was engaged in the steering committee arranging a Faroese art and culture showcase in Maison du Danemark in Paris in 2022.
- Since 2009 she has coordinated the Faroese participation as an associated member of UNESCO. She prepared the Faroese participation in the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) and coordinated the Faroese part of the joint Nordic nomination of the Nordic clinker boat traditions that was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2021.

- Daniela Cox
- Third-generation Galapaguenian and Conscious Business Consultant.
- Actively engaged with her local community in decision-making processes under the frameworks of the Galapagos Organic Special Law (LOREG) and the Galapagos National Park Management Plan. At age 22, she became the youngest woman elected politician as Alternate Congresswoman representative of Galapagos at the National Assembly of Ecuador.
- Based in Denmark since 2019, she runs PLURA Consulting. She has a Master in Sustainable Business from Griffith University in Australia and was trained as Nordic B Leader and Regenerative facilitator. She measures the impact across stakeholders, applying holistic assessment tools to create conscious business opportunities. Her contribution to Sustainability and Diversity in Denmark is mentioned in articles by Forbes Ecuador (2022).
- Through her strong sense of belonging to The Galapagos Islands and coming from a family of first settlers and community leaders/organizers, this 2023 she will advocate initiatives across the 4 regions of Ecuador - supporting the balance between land and marine ecosystems interconnected with our human wellbeing.

- Einar A.E. Sæmundsen
- Director Thingvellir national park Iceland. Chair of the Nordic World Heritage Association
- Einar has an B.Sc. as a geographer from the University of Iceland and a Masters of Landscape Architecture from the University of Minnesota in the USA. He has been with the national park since 2001 working on different subjects, park ranger, interpretation, construction management and planning. He has worked on the World Heritage nomination of Thingvellir in 2004 and management plans that have followed. He has been the director of Thingvellir national park since 2017 and is currently the chair of the Nordic World Heritage Association.

- Dr. Eleanor Haine
- Eleanor is the Program Officer for Natural Sciences at the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. She works to promote UNESCO values, priorities and programs within the natural sciences sector in Canada and to ensure that Canadian voices are represented on the international stage. She has a background in ecology research and education and enthusiastically advocates for the roles of women and girls in science.

- Hans Harmsen, PhD
- National Heritage Resources Manager, Greenland National Museum and Archives
- Hans Harmsen is the National Heritage Resources Manager for the Greenland National Museum and Archives and a Researcher in the Activating Arctic Heritage project. Hans has worked for several years to help conserve and protect cultural resources in Greenland's UNESCO World Heritage properties and other protected areas. His focus areas include heritage conservation, climate change, and sustainable tourism in the North.

- Helga Hvanndal Björnsdóttir
- Nature Conservationist / National Park Ranger/ Youth Representative
- I'm Helga from Reykjavík, Iceland. I have a bachelor degree in philosophy where I focused on environmental ethics. I am currently finishing a master degree in environment and natural resources at the University of Iceland. I have been working as a national park ranger in various national parks and protected areas in Iceland, most recently in the northern highlands of Vatnajökull National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2019. I love being outdoors and I am passionate about protecting the wilderness of Iceland. I am also an active member of the Young Environmentalists of Iceland and the Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network.

- Inga Burton
- Programme Manager Islands Deal, Orkney Islands Council
- Inga Burton is the Service and Programme Manager for the Islands Growth Deal with Orkney Islands Council, a £100M investment from UK and Scottish Governments into Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles over a 10 year period. The Orkney World Heritage Site Gateway is one of a number of projects included within this. Based within Enterprise and Sustainable Regeneration her role extends to external funding, partnerships and leading on international development with a focus on the Arctic.
- From Orkney she holds a BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology and MSc Environmental Management and has 25 years’ experience of working in and for the private and public sector including the higher education sector with sustainable development embedded throughout.
- Although brought up in Orkney, Inga’s family is rooted in Shetland. Inga left Orkney to study when she was 18 and worked for 10 years before returning to Orkney in 2004 where she stays with her husband and sons. Along with her husband Inga established their small farm and has been involved in local community energy groups, but you are most likely to find Inga on the poolside coaching where she volunteers with Orkney Amateur Swimming Club as Head Coach supporting swimmers prepare for Orkney hosting the International Island Games in 2025.

- Jean-Philippe L. Messier
- Director General
- Founder and executive director of the Manicouagan-Uapishka Biosphere Reserve, Jean-Philippe set up an organization that has become a major agent of change in its region and a benchmark within the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve network for its entrepreneurial dynamic. Among other achievements accomplished under his direction, RMBMU is known to have implemented 4 different business units. Member of the executive board of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and of the international Nordic network of biosphere regions, Mr. Messier is regularly requested internationally to represent UNESCO’s programs or his region.

- Johanna Maria Linnea Mac Taggart
- National coordinator of Swedish MAB Programme
- Johanna MacTaggart has been involved in UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) since 2005. Initially, she was leading the process of establishing the second biosphere reserve (BR) in Sweden (Lake Vänern Archipelago, 2010), followed by acting as the biosphere reserve coordinator for its first eight years. The direct experience of both the process of establishment of a BR in combination with having a leadership role in a BR, has created a deep understanding of challenges and opportunities with stakeholder inclusion processes as well as the importance of building strong social capital as a foundation for social innovation and sustainable development.
- In 2008, Johanna was appointed as the National MAB Coordinator in Sweden. A role, which she is still serving and where her mission is to strengthen the MAB Programme in Sweden by establish new alliances, guide the development of new BRs in Sweden, and represent Sweden in the global board of the MAB Programme (MAB-ICC). In 2018 she was awarded the Swedish UNESCO Prize for her great achievements and strong commitment to the MAB Programme.

- Jógvan D. Hansen
- Lecturer
- MA in Philosophy from University of Southern Denmark. Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of the Faroe Islands. Member of the Faroese Council of Ethics.

- Jóhan Pauli Helgason
- Development manager, Visit Faroe Islands
- With a Master’s degree in political science, Jóhan Pauli has worked for various departments in the Faroese government since 2009. From 2014 to 2018, he worked as an Advisor in the Ministry of Industry and Foreign Affairs, where he, among other things, led the work in formulating a new government tourism strategy for the Faroe Islands, which was published in 2017.
- In April 2018, Jóhan Pauli was appointed Development Manager at the newly-established Development Department at Visit Faroe Islands. Since then, he has worked on defining the new department’s role and function in Faroese tourism, using the goals and objectives outlined in the Preservolution strategy as a guideline, which at its core is about using tourism as a tool to preserve Faroese culture and nature, while evolving as a community.

- Jukka Siltanen
- A Finn with a home in Iceland. PhD candidate at University of Iceland.
- Jukka has MSc in Computer Science and Environment and Natural Resources, and is working on a PhD in the latter. Focus of his current research is in the management and economic impact analysis of protected areas. Before the PhD program he worked at a marine station in France on open-access marine databases and at the Institute of Economic Studies at the University of Iceland. Jukka is a keen scuba diver and hiker in the Icelandic highlands.

- Kristian Bjørnstad
- Director of the Norwegian Parks Association. Chair of Europe’s Nature Regional Landscape Parks Task Force at the Europarc Federation.
- MSc in Human Ecology from Lund University in Sweden. MS in Education from Florida State University. Certified trainer in Heritage Interpretation.
- For almost twenty years, Kristian has been active developing regional parks and establishing the Norwegian Parks Association. Through this work, he has been engaged in many bottom-up processes across Norway. He has a special interest in the diversity of parks and UNESCO areas in Europe. Recently, he became the chair of the Nature Regional Landscape Parks Task Force at the Europarc Federation. The Task Force will coordinate and strengthen the work of Europe’s 900 Nature Regional Landscape parks. He is also actively engaged in Heritage Interpretation.

- Kristina Djurhuus Christiansen
- Curator and Focal Point of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003. Faroe Islands National Museum.
- Kristina has a MSc in Social Anthropology from Lund University, Sweden. After finishing her degree, she moved to Copenhagen and worked in the National Museum of Denmark. One project she worked with, was the Serampore Initiative, which aimed at restoring historic Danish heritage buildings in the West Bengali town Serampore in India. Also, she worked for a Danish travel agency as a freelance tour leader in the Himalaya region. After living abroad for several years, with frequent trips to Asia, she moved back and settled in the Faroe Islands. Now she works in the National Museum, and her main responsibility is implementing the UNESCO Convention for ICH in the Faroe Islands.

- Mads Randbøll Wolff
- Member of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO
- As a member of the Danish National Commission for UNESCO Mads Randbøll Wolff is specifically engaged in the UNESCO program Man and the Biosphere to work with and strengthen the crucial link between mankind, culture and nature. In general terms the focus is on how to use and have a starting point in UNESCO sites to promote place based sustainable development.
- Mads Randbøll Wolff has founded his own company Sustainability 2030 addressing the link between global challenges and local solutions. Over the years he has been engaged in a number of issues and tasks stretching from climate change, biodiversity, bioeconomy, construction, local and rural development, to education, tourism and democracy. He lives in and work from Copenhagen and are engaged in activities mainly in Northern Europe and the North Atlantic, but do occasionally also work in other parts of the world.

- Meriem Bouamrane
- Environmental economist and Chief of Section on research and policy on Biodiversity and Ecology in the Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme and has been working for the MAB programme since 2001.
- She is coordinator of the EuroMAB Network, the oldest and largest network of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (738 sites in 134 countries). She is responsible for research and training programmes on access and use of biodiversity, participatory approaches and concertation, using biosphere reserves as research and pilot sites. This includes coordination of several large-scale projects for resilience of socio-ecological systems on issues including deforestation, pollination, and regeneration of relationships of humans with biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. She has organized and conducted several workshops using different participatory techniques and tools in biosphere reserves.
- Meriem is UNESCO focal point for the intersectoral biodiversity strategy within UNESCO including with CBD and IPBES and UN Environmental Management Group.

- Paninnguaq Fleischer-Lyberth
- Site Manager, World Heritage Aasivissuit – Nipisat Inuit Hunting Ground between Ice and Sea.
- Paninnguaq has been site manager for the World Heritage area Aasivissuit – Nipisat since 2019, but has been a part of the application process before the site was on the World Heritage List. Paninnguaq is born and raised in Greenland and has focus both on Heritage conservation, continued use of the cultural landscape for the locals and development and dissemination of the area.

- Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir
- General manager, Snæfellsnes Regional Park, Iceland
- Sarah Elizabeth Woodall
- Acting Director, and Tourism Destination Manager, Innovation South Greenland

- Tove Damholt
- Director World Heritage Office, Stevns Klint
- Tove Damholt was head of the process leading to the adoption of Stevns Klint on the World Heritage List, formed part of an IUCN working group revising the global framework for Geological World Heritage, is a board member of the Nordic World Heritage Assosciation, and played a key role in the development of the award winning visitor center for UNESCO World Heritage at Stevns Klint. Tove’s passion is to explore the role of UNESCO World Heritage as a driver for a value based, sustainable development of the local community. Key to this work is an ambitious partnership program for local associations, businesses and organisations from which she willingly shares failures as well as successes.

- Trude J. Søilen
Managing director of The Fjordcoast regional – and geopark since 2022.
Between 2011-2022, she worked as managing director of the Coastal Culture Academy in Norway, which initiated the park in 2013, and has since then been central to the work of building up the organization.
Educated in agriculture and pedagogy. She has a bachelor's degree in social pedagogy and is working on a master's degree in special education.
Runs a small farm and works as a guide and kayak instructor in the summer, which gives her first-hand experience with local tourism.