
TUESDAY, 1st July
Lews Castle
09.30 Registration
- 10.30 Welcome address by Councillor Kenneth MacLeod, Convener of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
- 10.40 Introduction to the Conference by John Randall, Chair, Islands Book Trust
- 10.50 Introduction by Halla Nolsøe Poulsen, Director, NORA
- 11.00 Tour of Lews CastleTour of the historic Lews Castle, including the ballroom and Museum nan Eilean
12.00 Lunch
13.00 SESSION 1
Regional Presentations: Resilience – Demographic and Economic Trends
Highlighting the most important issues to inspire a relevant and engaged panel discussion.
- 13.00 Brief introduction
- 13.05 Scotland
- 13.18 Norway
- 13.26 Iceland
- 13.34 Greenland
- 13.42 Faroe Islands
13.55 Panel discussion: Moderator introduces central issues, including the concept of resilience. The Moderator’s main task will be to lead the panel discussion in the direction of identifying and addressing important issues, and leading these toward suggestions as to how solutions may be found in collaboration with North Atlantic neighbours.
- Scotland - tbc
- Norway - tbc
- Þóroddur Bjarnason, Professor of Sociology at the University of Iceland
- Thomas Mogensen, Director, Nalik Ventures, Greenland
- Johnny í Grótinum, Economist, and Chair of Faroe Islands Economic Council
14.30 COFFEE
15.00 SESSION 2
Forging the Future: Strengthening Traditional Roots and Embracing Modern Innovation
Focus on bridging the gap between tradition and innovation to strengthen communities. With insights into revitalizing heritage, embracing modern pathways, and turning isolation into opportunity, this session explores sustainable resource management and shares best practices. Can future progress be built through shared experiences and innovative strategies.
- 15.10 Vífill Karlsson, Associate Professor, University of Akureyri, Faculty of Business Administration, Iceland
- 15.20 Ragnhild Ørnes/ Kjersti Eline Tønnessen Busch, SALT – Sustainable Coastal Development, Norway
- 15.30 Fisheries Management – locally inspired or centrally imposed, John Goodlad, Advisor to International Seafood Funds, and Author, Shetland
15.45 Panel Discussion: Best Practices in Sustainable and Responsible Resource Management.
- Naasunnguaq Beck, Director, Arctic Circle Business, Greenland
- Norway - tbc
- Anna Karlsdóttir, Associate Professor, Iceland
- Ben Arabo, CEO, Framtak - The Faroe Islands Business Development Fund
- Scotland - tbc
- Moderator - tbc
17.30 Civic Reception in Lews Castle Ballroom Hosted by Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar
19.00 Conference Dinner in Lews Castle
21.30 After dinner entertainment
- John Randall (Islands Book Trust) - john673randall@btinternet.com
- Ernst S. Olsen (NORA) - ernst@nora.fo