
North Atlantic Think Tank

The North Atlantic Think Tank was established as a follow up to the the OECD’s territorial review of the NORA region. It draws on the OECD report to discuss regional issues.

The North Atlantic Think Tank is a cross-disciplinary, cross-border forum. It is intended to contribute to public debate by launching ideas and recommendations that can strengthen development in the NORA area and collaboration among the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland and coastal Norway.

There are eight members of the North Atlantic Think Tank, two from each of the countries in the North Atlantic part of the Nordic region. They are nominated by the members of the NORA Committee and serve in a personal capacity and do not represent the interests of any of the other organisations with which they may be affiliated. Members ar expected to think freely and deliver independent recommendations that are not necessarily in line with NORA’s official positions or political line.

Serving from 2011 to 2014, the inaugural members of the North Atlantic Think Tank delivered four recommendations. These contributed to debate and led to tangible results, such as the establishment of a joint master’s degree programme in West Nordic Studies involving universities from all four NORA constituents. In 2016, the second group of members came together for their first session.

Current Members of the North Atlantic Think Tank:

  • Dennis Holm (Faroe Islands)
  • Katrin Petersen (Faroe Islands)
  • Anne Nivíka Grødem (Greenland)
  • Jacob Nedergård Jensen (Greenland)
  • Dóra Hlín Gísladóttir (Iceland)
  • Vífill Karlsson (Iceland)
  • Eivind Sommerseth (Norway)
  • Eli Grete Høyvik (Norway)


Bolyst på bygda (2019)

Nordatlantisk mat og Nord-Atlanterens befolkninger (2018)

Felles krav til cruiseindustrien (2017)

Nordatlantiske opplevelser: Et program for bæredyktig turismeutvikling i utkanten (2016)

Inaugural members of the North Atlantic Think Tank:

  • Hermann Oskarsson (Faroe Islands)
  • Sonja Jógvansdóttir (Faroe Islands)
  • Henrik Leth (Greenland)
  • Tine Pars (Greenland)
  • Halla Helgadóttir (Iceland)
  • Karl Benediktsson (Iceland)
  • Arne O Holm (Norway)
  • Frank Aarebrot (Norway)


Næringslivets samfunnsbidrag i NORA-regionen (2014)

Utvid mediesamarbeidet i NORA-regionen (2013)

Attraktive distrikter krever sterke byer (2012)

Kompetanseutvikling i NORA-regionen (2011)